Chaloner Primary School

  1. Key Information
  2. Being Safe

Being Safe

For our children 'Being Safe' covers so many aspects of their lives. It includes their right to be safe in their learning, their right to be respected by others, their right to be different, their right to use technology and many other rights. At Chaloner we teach children to be safe through our PSHE and Education in the Connected World Curriculum. Our school values refelct the qualities needed to keep ourselves and others safe and these underpin our assemblies, curriculum and whole school life at Chaloner Primary.. We teach children how to identify and minimise risk, how to make informed and safe choices and how to stand up for their own opinions and resist unhelpful peer pressure.

Sadly, we live in a society where some children and young adults are not safe. Please see below details of how to report incidents witnessed so the child or young adult can receive the support they need. 

Childline is a child led website offering advice and support for children who don't feel safe in an area of their life. A link to this website can be found here. 

At School

If you have any concerns about a child's safety at home or at school you have a duty to report it to the following people.

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs M Parker

In her absence report to: Mrs L Daley

Safeguarding Governor: Mr M Bloomfield

All the above can be contacted through the school office on:

Tel: 01287 635728


Chaloner Child Protection Policy

On the Internet

If you have any concerns about on line material your child has accessed or need to report cyber bullying please contact the following people.

Headteacher: Mrs M Parker

On-Line Lead: Miss K Limbert

All the above can be contacted through the school office on:

Tel: 01287 635728


Chaloner on-Line Safety Policy

In the Community

Click on the following link for local advice about safeguarding and making referrals to, Redcar and Cleveland's Safeguarding Children Board

Safeguarding Children Board


A link to Guisborough Police Station to report any local concerns.