School Day
Morning Nursery:
Children arrive at 8.40am
Children collected at 11.40am
Arrival and collection from the EYFS Entrance,
Afternoon Nursery:
Children arrive at 12,20pm
Children collected at 3.20pm
Arrival and collection from the EYFS Entrance
All Day Nursery
If a child is staying in Nursery for the full day:
Children arrive at 8.40am
Children collected at 3.00pm
Arrival and collection from the EYFS Entrance
Reception and KS1 (Years 1&2)
The children enter school at 8.45am
School starts at 8.50am
School Finishes at 3.10pm
Arrival and collection from the Cloakroom Entrance,
Year 1:
The children enter school at 8.45am
School starts at 8.50am
School Finishes at 3.10pm
Arrival and collection from the Cloakroom Entrance,
Year 2:
The children enter school at 8.45am
School starts at 8.50am
School Finishes at 3.10pm
Arrival and collection from the top playground entrance.
Key Stage 2 (Years 3,4,5&6)
Years 3 & 6:
The children enter school at 8.45am
School starts at 8.50am
School Finishes at 3.15pm
Arrival and collection from the top playground entrance.
Year 4 & 5:
The children enter school at 8.45am
School starts at 8.50am
School Finishes at 3.15pm
Arrival from the top playground entrance
Collections for Y4- the cloakroom.
Collections for Y5- the classroom exit door.