Chaloner Primary School

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"This is a caring school. There are warm interactions between pupils and staff. Pupils said that their teachers ‘make lessons fun’. This means that pupils are happy, feel safe and enjoy coming to school."

"The school strives to meet the challenges of serving its community head on. Supporting both pupils’ academic and emotional needs is a focus of the school’s work. There are high expectations for pupils. As a result, by the time they leave the school, most pupils are ready for the next stage of their education."


Ofsted October 2024


"The school motto of ‘believe to achieve’ is raising pupils’ aspirations."


 Ofsted November 2019

What do our Chaloner Families think about our school?

Please click here to find out!

 Welcome Message

 As the headteacher of Chaloner Primary School, it is with great pleasure that I welcome you, on behalf of the staff, governors and pupils, to  our School Website. Whatever the needs of your child we aim to ensure they thrive at Chaloner, feeling safe, having fun and enjoying success. We want our pupil's time in our school to be memorable, build upon what they know and can do and help them become lifelong learners.

    Children are at the centre of all we do and we live our motto 'We believe we can achieve!'.  On their journey through Chaloner we nurture children's self-belief to challenge themselves to be the best they can be in all that they do. We have a dedicated and talented team of staff committed to working in the best interests for our children; they also equip them with the skills they may need for the journey they are yet to take.

Our school vision and values were written in collaboration with children, parents, staff and Governors and are the foundation for all life and learning at Chaloner. Please click on the link below to read these in detail. 

We are please to join Lingfield Education Trust from January 2025. It is a successful and growing Multi-Academy Trust who have a family of schools across  the north east. Please click on the link to find out more about the trust. Lingfield Education Trust.

   We welcome visitors to Chaloner Primary school and if you would like to come and look around, or have any questions, please contact the school office on Tel: 01287 635728 or email: 

We follow the Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council's policy for admissions. For further information, please click on the link below and it will take you directly to their website.



Best Wishes,

Ms Mary Parker


Our School Vision (please click on this)

If you require paper copies of any documents found on the website, or if you require any information please contact the school office.

Thank you

Latest Chaloner School Calendar Events

Parents Evening18Feb2025

3:00 pm - 7:00 pm @ Chaloner Primary School

We are really looking forward to seeing you and discussing your child's progress.

Parents Evening19Feb2025

3:00 pm - 7:00 pm @ Chaloner Primary School

We are really looking forward to seeing you and discussing your child's progress.

Y2 Trip20Feb2025

12:00 pm - 3:00 pm @ Saltburn Leisure Centre

An active event for all our Y2 children.

Y3 Class Assembly21Feb2025

9:00 am - 10:00 am @ Chaloner Primary School

We welcome all parents and carers for children in Y3.

Half Term24Feb2025

@ Chaloner Primary School

Children are not in school

Calendars page(s): Chaloner School Calendar >>